
Ferrous is a grade of metals which contains carbon and vulnerable to rust. At ScrapCom Inc, we recycle all grades of ferrous metals. We have the capability to offloads up to 100,000lbs. Please contact us with any questions or to provide a quote.
- Appliances
- Busheling
- Cable, Fencing & Wire
- Cast Iron (all grades)
- Cast Iron Borings
- Production clips
- Compressors
- Demolition Scrap
- Electric Motors
- Farm & Industrial Machinery
- Heavy Breakable Cast
- Injection Molds (all sizes)
- Machinery (all thicknesses)
- Heavy Melting Steel
- Industrial Scrap
- Machine Shop Turnings
- Motor Blocks (stripped & unstripped)
- Plate & Structural
- Rail & OTM
(limited to railroads &
approved contractors) - Sheet Iron
- Stamping Dies

Non-ferrous metals include aluminum, copper, stainless-steel, lead, zinc and tin, as well as precious metals like gold and silver. Their main advantage over ferrous materials is their malleability. They also have no iron content, giving them a higher resistance to rust and corrosion. Please contact us with any questions or to provide a quote.
- Aluminum (all grades)
- Aluminum Conductor Steel-Reinforced Cable
- Batteries (lead-acid based only)
- Brass (all grades)
- Carbide/Tool Steels (all grades)
- Catalytic Converters
- Copper (all grades)
- Insulated Wires
- Lead
- Nickel Alloys (all grades)
- Radiators
- Stainless Steel
- Tin
- Titanium
- Transmissions
- Zinc

ScrapCom maintains a broad network of plastic brokers, compounders, end users, grinding operators and logistics partners, allowing us to offer very competitive pricing for plastic scrap. We buy, sell, and process the following types of post-industrial plastic. Please contact us with any questions or to provide a quote.
- 10-30 melt injection grade copolymer
- HDPE (Structural Foam)
- Noryl
- Plastisol
- Nylon